TEL: 866-356-5463
Type B Roof Deck
Type B Roof Deck is a structural deck panel with 1.5" deep ribs, 6 " o.c. for an overall cover width of 36". The panel is available crimp curved (convex or concave)
Panel Cover Width: 36"
Panel Arc Length: Cut to customer specifications (26'- 0" max.). Inquire if longer required.
Finish: G60 or G90 Galvanized, or galvanized plus prime painted (min. quantities apply)
Plain or Acoustical
Convex or Concave
5'- 6" min. radius (22 ga.)
13'- 0" min. radius (20 ga.)
28'- 0" min. radius (18 ga)
Minimum radius will vary with gauge and the
intrinsic properties of the specific substrate (tensile strength and hardness.) For example, 33 ksi steel will curve to a tighter radius than 50 ksi steel.
Optional Services:
Deck Layout Drawings
Toll Curving - We can curve your deck, but deck must be 50 ksi or less. (40 ksi or less is ideal.)
Straight Metal Deck

Curved Deck for Dome

Curved Deck for Dome